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Professor Shi Jianzhong Awarded “Rule of Law Figure of Year 2022”

Published:2022-12-20 | Views:

On December 10, 2022, the Awards Ceremony of "Rule of Law Figure of the Year 2022” and “Hero of the Year 2022” was streamed on CCTV General Channel (CCTV-1) and CCTV Society and Law Focused Channel (CCTV-12). The ceremony was co-sponsored by the Ministry of Justice, the National Office for the Popularization of Law (Quanguo Pufa Ban), and China Central Television, and organized by CCTV Social Education Program Center. 10 "Rule of Law Figure of the Year 2022" awards and 4 "Hero of the Year 2022" awards were announced.

Prof. Shi Jianzhong, Vice President of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), who is also an expert to the State Council Anti-monopoly Committee, and Vice President of the Economic Law Association of China Law Society, was awarded “Rule of Law Figure of Year 2020”.

Prof. Shi has participated in the development, revision and implementation of the Anti-monopoly Law of the People's Republic of China, and has made great contributions to fair competition policy and building sound and law-based business environment in China. He has also dedicated himself to the cultivation of Chinese legal talents.
