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Professional-degree Cases Construction of School of Juris Master Reaps a Bumper Harvest

TIME : 2020-09-15 SOURCE :

In July 2020, recommended byCUPL’s final evaluatorsto ChinaProfessional-degreeCaseCenterforexpert review, six law majorrelated professional-degree caseswrittenby theteachersofthe School of Juris Master in China University of Political Science and Law(“CUPL”)were officiallyincludedinto the legal case library of ChinaProfessional-degreeCaseCenter,marking azero breakthroughin its professional-degree cases included into the library.

For decades, CUPL has only one caseincluded intothe professional-degree case library, which is extremely incongruous toits status as a toplaw educationinstitution. The number of casesincludedintothe library is one of theparamountfactorsaffectingthe results ofits jurismasterseducation evaluation.Instead ofgettingA+, theSchool of Juris MasterofCUPLranked thirdin the first professional-degree juris masters education evaluationprimarilybecause of few casesincludedintothe library. Therefore,such abreakthrough isvery important for the school,representing agreat harvest ofitsprofessional-degree casesconstruction. The authors of these six cases are Prof.Liu Baoyu (one piece), Prof.Liu Zhihui (one piece), Dr. Uland (one piece), Dr. Shi Yacong (one piece) and Dr. Zong Tingting (two pieces). From the perspective of discipline distribution,the articles included into thelibrarycover three types ofprocedural law cases,threeof which are aboutcivil litigation practice,one of which is aboutlegal practicein criminal litigation and two of which are aboutadministrative litigationrelated legal service. It reflects acomplete range of disciplines andthe faculty’semphasis on teachingresearch, especiallypractical teachingoftheSchool of Juris Master.

It is the first timeforfull-time teacherstoparticipateinsuchselectionsince theinitialsubstantivefacultybuildingoftheSchool of Juris Master.A total ofeightcasesbyseventeachersof the Schoolpassed thefinal evaluationheld by the universityand were recommended to ChinaProfessional-degreeCaseCenterforexpert review, and six of them wereincludedinto the library eventually. Impressive resultswere achieved thanks to such azerobreakthrough and thehit rateof 75%.

School of Juris Master learned from mistakesandreached aconsensusto makea breakthrough ingetting cases included into thelibrary. In 2019, anincentive systemtowardsteachers on case writing wasspeciallyintroduced—“Approaches to TeachingCaseConstructioninProfessional-degreePostgraduateEducation of theSchool of Juris Master (Trial)” (FSF[2019] No.4),greatly supporting and ensuringcase writing fromsuchaspectsasoptimizingthe construction process,raising fundsand setting updedicatedprofessional title appraisal.In view ofthecases included into thelibraryin 2020, theSchool reaped a great harvest for its systemimprovementand substantial supportregarding its case construction. In this regard,more and moreteacherswillattach importance toandactively participate in case writing, and the faculty members will surelymakefurther progressand more achievementsin this respect.
