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The 1st Symposium on “Artificial Intelligence and Law” Held Successfully

TIME : 2020-11-30 SOURCE :

On November28, 2020,theSymposiumon“ArtificialIntelligence andLaw”(“thesymposium”)washeldasone of theseries of activitiesforcelebratingthe15thanniversaryof theSchool of Juris Master inChina University of PoliticalScience and Law(“CUPL”). Co-organizeby the Research Center of Intelligent Law and Business Environment andtheSchool of Juris MasterofCUPL, thesymposiumwas attended by more than 40 experts, scholars and representatives of teachers and students fromlegalpracticeandrenowneduniversities in China.

Focusingon the theme ofartificialintelligence and law, thesymposiumwitnessed theacademic exchangeon two topics of“artificial intelligence and social governance”and“artificial intelligence andprotection of rights and interests”.

Part I Artificial Intelligence and Social Governance

Themedby“ArtificialIntelligence andSocialGovernance”, thefirst session ofthesymposium waspresided over by Prof. Xu Shenjian, Dean oftheSchool of Juris Master inCUPL. He Deyin,DeputyDirector ofChina Prosecuratorial Technology Research Center of the Supreme People's Procuratorate,deliveredaspeechtitled“Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Procuratorial Affairs”.Subsequently,She Guiqing, Vice President of Beijing Internet Court,delivered a speechtitled“ArtificialIntelligence andIntelligentJustice”.Hegaveanexcellent presentationfromthreeaspects,i.e.internet trial (litigation) mode,approachtolawartificial intelligence, and challengesinlawartificial intelligence.According to him,asaninterdiscipline,lawartificial intelligenceis faced withmany challenges.Respondingtothe first twospeeches, Li Shengguang,DeputyDirector of the Internet ofThings Department/BigDataCenter of theFirst Research Institute of the Ministry ofPublicSecurity,delivered a speechtitled“ArtificialIntelligence andIntelligentPublicSecurity”inthreeparts ofPublic Security Internet ofThings,PublicSecurityBigData,and ArtificialIntelligence.Thereafter, Prof. Xue Jun,Deputy Deanof Peking University Law School,delivered a speechtitled“Protectionof‘human’in theEra ofArtificialIntelligence”.Feng Qunxing, a researcherfromthePersonalInformationProtectionResearchCenter ofNanfangMetropolis Daily,delivered a speech titled“Public Research Report onFaceRecognitionApplication”.Dr. Li Lin fromtheSchool of Juris Master inCUPL and Zou Shaokun,GeneralManager of BeijingThunisoft MarvinInformation Service Co., Ltd.,madecomments on theaboveexcellent reports.

Part II Artificial Intelligence and Protection of Rights and Interests

Themedby“ArtificialIntelligence andProtection ofRights andInterests”, thesecond session ofthesymposium waspresided over by Associate Professor LiuXuanlin,DeputyDirector ofEconomicLawTeaching andResearchDepartment,theSchool of Juris Master inCUPL. Prof. Wang Limei,VicePresident of the CUPLInstitute ofCyberLaw,delivered a speechtitled“Anonymization ofPersonalInformation in theContext ofArtificialIntelligence”. Sheshared her insightsin such aspects asinternet dilemma, the tension between technology and law, the pan-benchmark risk in the process of information processing, and the remodeling of personal information anonymization rules in the legal context. Prof. Zhou Xuefeng,Deputy Deanand Doctoral Supervisor oftheLaw School of BeihangUniversity, elaboratedon “the Issue ofTort LiabilityintheContextofAIBusiness Application”.Hisreportconsists ofthree parts: what is artificial intelligence,what is the challenge of artificial intelligence to tort law,and howshallthe tort lawrespond.Associate Professor Ding Xiaodong,VicePresident ofRenminLawand TechnologyInstitute,gavea wonderful reporttitled“theChallenge ofArtificialIntelligence toPersonalInformationProtection”.Prof.Liu Zhihui,Deputy DeanoftheSchool of Juris Master inCUPL, deliveredakeynote speechtitled“ArtificialIntelligence andHuman: Reflection onCivilLegalRelationshipinthePost-Civil CodeEra”.ResearcherZhang Lijun,ExecutiveDirector of Baidu Public Policy Research Institute,delivered a speechfrom the perspective of “Rights andResponsibilities underMultipleScenarios ofArtificialIntelligenceApplication”.Prof. Han Wensheng,ExecutiveDirector oftheResearch Center of Intelligent Law and Business Environment of CUPL,delivered a speechtitled“ArtificialIntelligence andJudicialJustice”byfocusing on four parts: algorithm discrimination, causes of algorithm discrimination, algorithm discrimination and future choicesoflegal artificial intelligence.According to the excellent reports of the aboveexperts, Dr. Uland,DeputyDirector of the Private Law Teaching and Research Department, and Associate Prof. Liu Xuanlin, Deputy Director of the Teaching and Research Department of Economic Law oftheSchool of Juris Master inCUPL, sharedtheir viewsandinsights.

After the wonderful reports and comments,Mr.Liang Min,Deputy DeanoftheSchool of Juris Master inCUPL,delivereda closing speech. Thesymposiumendedin warm applause.
