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Delegation Led by Prof. HAN Wensheng Visits the US and Canada

TIME : 2019-11-22 SOURCE :

From November 10 to 17, 2019, Prof. HAN Wensheng, Party Secretary & Deputy Dean oftheSchool of Juris MasterofChina University of Political Science and Law (CUPL), led a delegation and visitedtheSchool of Law of American University, New England School of Law, and Boston College Law School in the United States, as well as School of Law of University of Montreal in Canada. The delegates included Associate Prof. LIU Xuanlin, Dr. WU Lan, and Dr. LI Lin oftheSchool of Juris Master.

On November 11, the delegation visitedtheSchool of Law of American University.The school, which started LLM program in 1981, is one of the earliest US law schools conducting international law student exchange programs. The delegation was received by Prof. Padideh Ala’I, Director of International Law and Comparative Law Research Center, and Ms. Melanija Radnovic, Director of International Exchange Program of the school, among others. The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges with respect to the existing courses and the summer program, including data protection, comparative law system, GDPL legal norm, artificial intelligence, and technical response to trade barriers. They also discussedin detailthe possible ways for exchanges of teachers and students.

(The delegates holding talks withthepersonnel oftheSchool of Law of American University)

(Group photo ofthedelegates and some teachers oftheSchool of Law of American University)

From November 12 to 13, the delegation visited New England School of Law, and waswarmlyreceived by Prof. John O'Brien, President oftheBoard of Governorsof the school, Dean Allison Dussias, and Prof. David Siegel, Director of Legal and Social Responsibility Center. Prof. HAN Wensheng introduced the history, educational features, faculty, and student quality oftheSchool of Juris Master, etc. Prof. David Siegel highly appreciated the achievements of CUPL, hoping to deepen thecooperation withtheSchool of Juris Master. In addition, the two sidesalsodiscussedsuch issues ascurriculum provision and health law, and explored the path for future cooperation.

(The delegates holding talks withsometeachers of New England School of Law)

(The delegates holding talks with Dean Allison Dussiasand others)

(The delegates visiting the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court)

On October 14, the delegation visited Boston College Law School. The delegation was received by Prof. Vincent Rougeau and Prof. Judith A. McMorrow, DeanandDeputy Dean of the School, respectively. The two sides hoped that this visit could help strengthen their exchanges and cooperation.

(The delegates holding talks with Prof. Vincent Rougeauand others)

(The delegates holding talks with Prof. Chris Teague, Deputy Director of theJob Center, and others)

On November 15, the delegation visited theSchool of Law of University of Montreal in Canada. The two sides held talks and discussions regarding the French Law/Chinese Law project, International Business Law project, as well as the interdisciplinaryissuebetween law and science & technology. They looked forward toin-depthcollaboration in this regard.

(The delegates holding talks withthepersonnel oftheSchool of Law of University of Montreal)

(Group photo of the delegation andtheprofessor oftheSchool of Law of University of Montreal)

The delegation successfully completed theirvisittask, yielding fruitful results fortheSchool of JurisMaster. This visit has strengthened the relations between our school and thelaw schools of universities in the United States and Canada, broadened the international horizon of our school,enhanced our global influence, and enabled our school to offer education on a more global basis.
