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On April 13,2021, School of Law and Economics held the 3rd Faculty Meeting on Xueyuan Road campus.Vice president of the school,Xu Wenming,presided the meeting. All staff of the school attended the meeting.

1. The development of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the second semester of the 2020-2021 academic year was discussed.

2.It summarized the assessment of the target responsibility system in 2020 and the construction of "double first-class ", and discussed the construction tasks in 2021.

3.The relevant regulations on the management of foreign affairs of the school were conveyed.

4. The construction of the new website and brochure of the Institute was discussed.

5. The covid-19 vaccination situation of teachers in the institute was discussed.


PREV:4th Faculty Meeting in 2021

NEXT:2nd Faculty Meeting in 2021
