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Niels Philipsen

Niels Philipsen is Professor of Shifts in Private and Public Regulation at the Erasmus School of Law of Erasmus University Rotterdam (0.2 FTE) and Vice-Director of the METRO research inst-itute and Associate Professor in Law and Economics at the Faculty of Law of Maastricht Univers-ity (0.8 FTE). In the latter capacity, he also acts as manager of several (European and national) research projects. Since November 2016 Philipsen is also Adjunct Professor of the School of Law and Economics at the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) in Beijing, China. His research interests include law and economics, competition and regulation, torts and insurance, and environmental law.


工作单位及职务: 荷兰马斯特里赫特大学法学院 教授

跨国法研究中心 副主任

中国政法大学法与经济学研究院 兼职教授


科研成果 (Publications)

Philipsen, N. (2016). From market integration to fiscal discipline: Analysing the goals of EU state aid policy from an economic perspective. (Maastricht Faculty of Law Working Papers). Maastricht: Maastricht University, Faculty of Law.

Philipsen, N. J., & Zhou, Q. (2016). Business restrictions in the legal professions: Do we need more market integration? In N. J. Philipsen, S. E. Weishaar, & G. Xu (Eds.), Market integration: The EU experience and implications for regulatory reform in China. (pp. 211-238). (China EU Law Series). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-48273-5

Weishaar, S. E., & Philipsen, N. J. (2016). Comparative and concluding remarks. In N. J. Philipsen, S. E. Weishaar, & G. Xu (Eds.), Market integration: The EU experience and implications for regulatory reform in China. (pp. 311-317). (China EU Law Series; No. 2). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-48273-5

Weishaar, S. E., Philipsen, N. J., & Xu, G. (2016). Introduction. In N. J. Philipsen, S. E. Weishaar, & G. Xu (Eds.), Market Integration: The EU experience and implications for regulatory reform in China. (pp. 1-11). (China EU Law Series; No. 2). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-48273-5

Philipsen, N. J., Weishaar, S. E., & Xu, G. (2016). Market Integration: The EU experience and implications for regulatory reform in China. (China EU Law Series; No. 2). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-48273-5

Shen, G., & Philipsen, N. J. (2016). Regulation of the inter-provincial establishment of companies: applying the private interest approach to China. In N. J. Philipsen, S. E. Weishaar, & G. Xu (Eds.), Market Integration: The EU experience and implications for regulatory reform in China. (pp. 183-210). (China EU Law Series). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-48273-5

Gerstetter, C., Stefes, C., Faure, M., Philipsen, N., & et, A. (2016). Environmental crime and the EU: Synthesis of the research project 'European Union Action to Fight Environmental Crime' (EFFACE). Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

Farmer, A., Mitsilegas, V., Faure, M. G., Philipsen, N. J., Gerstetter, C., Klaas, K., ... Blanc, N. (2015). Evaluation of the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities associated with EU efforts to combat environmental crime: Study in the framework of the EFFACE research project (Deliverable D6.2). London - Maastricht - Berlin - Rome - Granada - Catania: IEEP / QMUL / Maastricht University / Ecologic / La Sapienza / University of Granada / University of Catania.

Philipsen, N. J., & Rigamonti, A. (2015). Marine Pollution.: Study in the framework of the EFFACE research project (Deliverable D3.2d). Maastricht: Maastricht University.

Bergkamp, L., Faure, M. G., Hinteregger, M., & Philipsen, N. J. (2015). Civil liability in Europe for terrorism-related risk. (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Faure, M. G., Philipsen, N. J., & Xu, G. (2015). Comparative and concluding remarks. In N. J. Philipsen, & G. Xu (Eds.), The role of law and regulation in sustaining financial markets. (pp. 357-368). (The Economics of Legal Relationships). Oxon-New York: Routledge.

Bergkamp, L., Faure, M. G., Hinteregger, M., & Philipsen, N. J. (2015). Conclusions. In L. Bergkamp, M. Faure, M. Hinteregger, & N. Philipsen (Eds.), Civil liability in Europe for terrorism-related risk. (pp. 330-337). (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Faure, M. G., & Philipsen, N. J. (2015). Economic analysis of current liability for terrorism-related risk and alternatives. In L. Bergkamp, M. Faure, M. Hinteregger, & N. Philipsen (Eds.), Civil liability in Europe for terrorism-related risk. (pp. 300-315). (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Philipsen, N. J., Faure, M. G., & Kubovicova, K. (2015). Fighting Environmental Crime in Sweden: A Country Report. Study in the framework of the EFFACE research project. Maastricht: Maastricht University.

Faure, M. G., & Philipsen, N. J. (2015). Insurance of terrorism-related risks. In L. Bergkamp, M. Faure, M. Hinteregger, & N. Philipsen (Eds.), Civil liability in Europe for terrorism-related risk. (pp. 209-238). (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Philipsen, N. J., & Xu, G. (2015). Introduction. In N. J. Philipsen, & G. Xu (Eds.), The role of law and regulation in sustaining financial markets. (pp. 1-6). (The Economics of Legal Relationships). Oxon-New York: Routledge.

Bergkamp, L., Faure, M. G., Hinteregger, M., & Philipsen, N. J. (2015). Introduction. In L. Bergkamp, M. Faure, M. Hinteregger, & N. Philipsen (Eds.), Civil liability in Europe for terrorism-related risk. (pp. 1-8). (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Faure, M. G., Liu, J., & Philipsen, N. J. (2015). Liability for terrorism-related risks under international law. In L. Bergkamp, M. Faure, M. Hinteregger, & N. Philipsen (Eds.), Civil liability in Europe for terrorism-related risk. (pp. 11-55). (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Philipsen, N. J. (2015). Recent developments in the regulation of auditors: an economic perspective. In N. J. Philipsen, & G. Xu (Eds.), The role of law and regulation in sustaining financial markets. (pp. 127-149). (The Economics of Legal Relationships). Oxon-New York: Routledge.

Klosse, S., Driessen, M. J. A. C., Eshuis, W., Gundt, N., & Philipsen, N. J. (2015). Schadecompensatie bij beroepsrisico's: Hoe krijgen we dat ILO-proof? Maastricht: Maastricht University / Stichting Instituut GAK.

Cauffman, C., & Philipsen, N. J. (2015). Who does what in competition law: harmonizing the rules on for damages for infringements of the EU competition rules. In B. Akkermans, J. Hage, N. Kornet, & J. Smits (Eds.), Who does what in European private law?. (pp. 245-287). (Ius Commune Europaeum; No. 137). Cambridge-Antwerp-Portland: Intersentia.

Faure, M. G., & Philipsen, N. J. (2014). Access to justice in environmental matters. The Hague: Eleven International publishing.

Fernhout, F. J., Philipsen, N. J., & Choukroune, L. (2014). Empirical survey: country studies (with questionnaires). In M. G. Faure, & N. J. Philipsen (Eds.), Access to justice in environmental matters. A socio-economic analysis. (pp. 87-102-123-135). The Hague: Eleven International publishing.

Faure, M. G., Mühl, M., & Philipsen, N. J. (2014). Incentives, costs and benefits: a law and economics analysis. In M. G. Faure, & N. J. Philipsen (Eds.), Access to justice in environmental matters. (pp. 23-74). The Hague: Eleven International publishing.

Faure, M. G., & Philipsen, N. J. (2014). Introduction. In M. G. Faure, & N. J. Philipsen (Eds.), Access to justice in environmental matters. (pp. 1-5). The Hague: Eleven International publishing.

Philipsen, N. J., Olaerts, M., Cauffman, C., Schaper, M. G. H., van der Zeijden, P., de Kok, J., & Kwaak, T. (2014). Inventory of legal form and shareholding requirements in the EU services sector and their economic assessment. Maastricht / Zoetermeer: Maastricht University / Panteia.

Philipsen, N. J. (2014). Limiting auditors' liability: the case for (and against) EU intervention. Geneva Papers On Risk and Insurance, 39(3), 585-597. DOI: 10.1057/gpp.2014.3

Schoenmaekers, S. L. T., Devroe, W., & Philipsen, N. J. (2014). State aid and public procurement in the European Union. (Ius Commune Europaeum; No. 131). Cambridge-Antwerp-Portland: Intersentia.

Faure, M. G., & Philipsen, N. J. (2014). Summary and policy recommendations. In M. G. Faure, & N. J. Philipsen (Eds.), Access to justice in environmental matters. (pp. 103-110). The Hague: Eleven International publishing.

Philipsen, N. J., & Xu, G. (2014). The role of law and regulation in sustaining financial markets. (The Economics of Legal Relationships). Oxon-New York: Routledge.

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